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Because coffee
At NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto®, we’re passionate about creating coffee pods which bring the iconic flavour you know and love, whilst also trying to look after the environment. Every year, thousands of used coffee capsules end up in landfill across Australia. NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® has joined forces with TerraCycle®, to collect and recycle your used capsules, preventing them from ending up in landfill and giving the capsule materials a second life! Check out their website for more information.
How to recycle your NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® pods
Step 1: Sign-up to a TerraCycle® account, join the NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® program and start collecting

Step 2: Collect your used capsules at home, making sure to squeeze any excess liquid from your capsules before storing. Then bag and box them up, using any recycled cardboard box you have handy
SHIP (for free!)
Step 3: There are two different ways to ship:
1. Seal up your box of capsules, download a free prepaid shipping label from your TerraCycle® account and drop it off at Australia Post
2. Find a Community Collection Hub near you, and drop them off to be added to the community’s collection
Step 4: TerraCycle® receives the capsules, which are cleaned and melted into hard plastic. This plastic can then be remoulded to make new recycled products. Bonus tip: you can earn donation points for your community by recycling your capsules. Click here to learn more.
The current materials used to make our coffee pods are designed to protect the fresh taste of our high-quality coffee, by preserving all the complex aromas and flavours. Unfortunately they currently can’t be recycled at kerbside. That’s why we’ve partnered with TerraCycle®, who provide a convenient solution to recycle your NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® pods. They shred the capsules, send the coffee to a local composter, then separate the plastic from the aluminium. The plastic is then blended with other recycled plastics to form pellets, which have the potential to be made into wonderful new things, such as picnic tables, planter boxes and park benches. In doing so, your used NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® capsules are diverted from landfill, helping to protect our environment for future generations.

Recycling for a cause
Through participating in the recycling program, you can earn donations for your favourite not-for-profit organisation, such as a school or charity, by earning TerraCycle® points for sending back your waste. For each shipment of capsules over 7kg, you will earn 2 points or $0.02 per capsule, for the non-profit organisation, including school or charity, of your choice.

NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® Capsule Recycling Program - FAQ
What happens to my capsules?
Your capsules will be sent to the TerraCycle® factory, where they will be sorted, shredded, cleaned and melted down into pellets. These pellets can then be used in the manufacture of new products, such as park benches and garden beds.
What kinds of packaging are acceptable?
This program will only accept NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® capsules including coffee, tea, chocolate and milk capsules. Plastic Starbucks® by NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® Capsules are also accepted through this program.
Capsules from other brands will not be accepted. Including aluminium Nespresso® or Starbucks® by Nespresso® capsules.
Who can sign up for the NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® Capsule Recycling Program?
We welcome anyone in Australia to join in our recycling efforts! There are some practical considerations you should keep in mind. For example, our program is not designed to accommodate commercial recycling centres.
Can I participate in the TerraCycle® Program from anywhere in Australia?
TerraCycle® programs are open to people from all locations in Australia, no matter where you are.
What do I need to sign up for the NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® Capsule Recycling Program?
You will need to provide:
1) a contact person to oversee the NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® Capsule Program at your location
2) a valid email address
3) a valid mailing address in Australia
Can my organisation sign up more than once?
Each organisation, including schools or student groups at a school or university, can only have one NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® Capsule Recycling Program account. If there are multiple individuals within an organisation that sign-up, please ensure the accounts are clearly differentiated (by floor, division, location etc).
Can an individual sign up more than once?
No. Each individual can only have one NESCAFE® Dolce Gusto® Capsule Recycling Program account. Any additional accounts will be suspended.
What if my information changes or needs to be updated?
If for any reason you need to change or update your information, please visit www.terracycle.com.au, select the PROFILE tab (located on your account) and click "Edit My Profile". If you still need assistance or have questions, please contact Customer Support at 1800-983-324 or email customersupport@terracycle.com.au
Do I have to pay for shipping?
Nope! You will be able to request pre-paid NZ Post shipping labels from our website through your online account. This will bring your NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® Capsule Recycling Program collections from where you are in Australia back to the TerraCycle® factory, to be recycled into other TerraCycle® products! You win, we win, and the environment wins!
How do I ship the packaging back to TerraCycle®?
When you are ready to send in a shipment, login to your account at www.terracycle.com.au and click "REQUEST A POSTAGE LABEL”. Select the "Send Me a Postage Label" option and TerraCycle® will email an AUS Post pre-paid return label to you. Print the pre-paid label and affix it to your reused box or bag and bring it to a local Australia Post Shop.
What size shipments can I send in?
You may send in any size shipment up to 20kg through this program. However, you must send in at least 7 kilograms of NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® capsule waste to earn the TerraCycle® points donation.
How much will my nominated not-for-profit organisation be paid for the NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® Capsule Recycling Program?
For each shipment over 7 kilograms, your location will earn 2 points or $0.02 per capsule for the non-profit organisation of your choice. The number of capsules received will be calculated based on the weight of the shipment, using 9.23 grams as the average weight of the capsules.
Is there a minimum/maximum amount of packaging to collect before my nominated non-profit organization including school or charity will receive a bank transfer?
You can redeem your points at any time for a money donation (sent by bank transfer) to any non-profit or charitable organisation, including schools located in Australia provided you have available a minimum of 1,000 points or $10. If you have any issues adding a charity or donating to your chosen charity, please call TerraCycle Customer Support on 1800 983 324 or email customersupport@terracycle.com.au.
I've sent collections in to benefit a non-profit organisation. Why hasn’t the non-profit organisation received a bank transfer?
You must redeem your points for a money donation via your account in order for a bank transfer to be made to the non-profit organisation of your choice. Please note, there is a minimum of 1,000 points or $10 needed for each money donation. If you would like to check the status of your donation, you can get in touch with TerraCycle® directly via their Customer Support number 1800-983-324 or email customersupport@terracycle.com.au.
I forgot to select a non- profit organisation during sign up. Can I still select one?
Yes. You can select, add or change your preferred non-profit organisation via your account on the TerraCycle® website. Simply log into your account at www.terracycle.com.au and click on the "MY IMPACT" tab. To add a new preferred non-profit organisation to your account, please select the "Manage Charities" link. Please note that during the check-out process when redeeming points, you will also be given a chance to choose an existing charitable gift and update or change your preferred non-profit organisation. You can also call 1800-983-324 or email customersupport@terracycle.com.au with the non-profit organisation name, address and contact person.
I checked my status. Why is it incorrect?
Please check back frequently to see your status update. If there is a problem with collection status please call the TerraCycle® Customer Support number 1800-983-324 or email customersupport@terracycle.com.au.
We are done collecting for the NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® Capsule Program, can we unsubscribe?
Please log into your account on the TerraCycle® website www.terracycle.com.au. Select the “Program” tab and then the option “Remove this Program” located under the NESCAFÉ® Dolce Gusto® Capsule Program.